An Open Letter to the Open Source Community
Sorry for the delay between posts. Between the whole holiday season thing, having a cold, having a 1st birthday for my younger daughter, etc., time sorta got away from me. So I figure I'll get things restarted with something that has irked me for quite some time, and it came to the surface again this morning.
This morning, I got an IM from a friend of mine. Here it is: "...but I'm NOT using ANYTHING called Ubuntu: Feisty Fawn. What kind of idiot slapped that on?" My friend touched upon something that is, I think, indicative of a significant hurdle that Open Source projects will need to overcome if they ever expect to be taken seriously and to ever have even the tiniest chance of being able to step out of the shadows. Before I dive in, let me state for the record that I am a die-hard member of the Open Source community. I am an ardent supporter of Open Source; if there is an Open Source equivalent for something, I'm using it. That being the case, while the following may come of as a bit vitriolic here and there, it is not to be taken as a slap at the Open Source community in general. It is merely an attempt at a wake-up call to the community members, and, hopefully, a call to action.
In short, I humbly ask the Open Source Community to please, please, please stop giving software (and branches, tags, and sub-versions thereof) stupid names. Seriously. I know that you may think it is funny, but it really isn't. The aforementioned "Feisty Fawn" thing just illustrates the point. There are tons of such names out there, ranging from absurd to, quite frankly, offensive. Every place I've worked, I have been a major advocate for Open Source software. It is very difficult to be taken seriously in meetings with management when you say "I have a potential solution," and then explain that your solution involves the use of Feisty Fawn, Tiny Sofa, Oinkmaster, BitchX, SheepShaver, awffull, lame, moomps, seahorse, smeg, gimp, spit, yoltia, suck, torsmo, valknut, vomit, and/or zile. Naming things, whether we're talking about naming software, children, or pets, can be a difficult process. When giving something a name, though, you have to ask yourself a few simple questions.
- Am I using this name because I think it is clever or cute? If the answer is "yes," then keep looking. You might think it is cute or particularly clever today, but odds are that you won't always find it so amusing. (Here I cite a person my sister-in-law knows whose first name is Frodo. Yeah, as in Baggins. I'm sure Frodo's parents thought the name was funny and probably even a little cute. I've got a dollar, though, that says if we asked our friend Frodo what he thought of his name, he'd have a somewhat different opinion.)
- Am I using this name because it is an inside joke? This is really just a slight variation on the previous question. Again, if you answer "yes," do yourself and everyone else a favor and keep looking.
- Is this a name that I'll be happy with 10 years from now? This one seems pretty obvious, but I'm always shocked at the number of people who don't really think this one all the way through.
- Is this name something I would be embarrassed to say in front of my grandmother? I like to call this one "the grandma rule." Here I cite such names as "suck" and "vomit." Inherently offensive? Not necessarily. Good names for software? Not even close.
- And finally, is this a name that I'll get tired of hearing?
So what conclusions can we draw from all of this? Basically, take care when naming Open Source projects. If Open Source is ever to come into its own, it must be taken seriously by those who develop it. While GIMP and PHP and Oinkmaster may have become serious, production-quality software, their names suggest that at the early stage, they were each named because someone thought it was funny. If we, as members of the Open Source community, want our efforts, our software, and our plight to be taken seriously by the industry at large, we must first take ourselves seriously. This is the root of much of the resistance to Open Source software. Even Microsoft's previous attempts at disinformation about Open Source software hinge upon this. How could we expect others to take us seriously when we (apparently) don't even take ourselves seriously? Am I saying that Open Source software needs to become stuffy and boring? Of course not. But the Weltanschauung of the industry at large stems predominantly from how we perceive ourselves. Times have changed and as Darwin suggests, we must either adapt or die. As such, we must treat our work within the Open Source community with care and humility, and perhaps even a touch of reverence. To do otherwise is a disservice to our work, to ourselves, and to our community.
Don't Kill the Penguin!
Recursive Acronym
Ubuntu Development Code Names